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HomeNewsProgress continues on Santa Rosa wildfire

Progress continues on Santa Rosa wildfire

Yesterday’s rain has helped reduce the fire danger rating in many parts of the province. Much of the Southeast Fire Centre is still classified as high, however there are some areas of moderate as well. The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary’s Emergency Program Manager Chris Marsh says it’s good news but we’re not in the clear yet. “Different areas saw different amounts of rain. In the Trail areas we saw more than most areas. That being said things are still quite dry so the fires that we do have in the region will continue to burn, but little bit of rainfall and cooler overnight temperatures are certainly helping.

He says they’re hoping to have some good news about the Santa Rosa wildfire soon which is burning between Christina Lake and Rossland along the US border and into BC. “So the Santa Rosa fire is still our main priority.  We still have 33 homes on evacuation alert around that fire. We’re hoping for good news over the coming days in regard to that fire as fire fighters get a bit of a break and are able to fortify their control lines. We’re looking forward to hopefully lifting those evacuation alerts later this week.” It’s currently at 377 hectares in size on the BC side and is 50 per cent contained.

Evacuation alerts due to the Lynch Creek and Toronto Creek wildfires were rescinded last week. Marsh says as crews made progress on those fires, it enabled more efforts to go towards the Santa Rose wildfire.

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