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HomeNewsContractor hired for KBRH emergency department upgrades

Contractor hired for KBRH emergency department upgrades

Interior Health has announced Ledcore Construction Ltd. will be doing upgrades to the emergency department at the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail. Lorne Sisley, Corporate Director – Facilities Management and Operations with IH, says work should be starting very soon. “We’re actually going to see some shovels in the ground now on the emergency department expansion project and that will be hopefully in the next few weeks. It’s really up to the contractor now to get their forces arranged and get on site.”

Sisley says the project did come in slightly over budget. “So Ledcore had the lowest bid of the bidders that came in and because of the hot construction market right now, we actually did have to go back to our funding partners and ask for a slight increase in the project budget overall.”

The over $19-million dollar project includes a single-storey addition to the existing building that will significantly expand the size of the existing department. The redevelopment will feature updated and expanded trauma bays, exam rooms and procedure rooms, and will add an airborne isolation and secure room to the emergency department.

Sisley is excited to see the project moving forward. “Ultimately, I think this is really good news for not only Trail but just the surrounding areas that KBRH supports and I think we’re going to be pretty excited to start seeing some activity on site.”

Interior Health isn’t sure of the exact completion date yet, but says sometime in 2020.

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