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HomeNewsRezoning approved for Trail's old Star Grocery

Rezoning approved for Trail’s old Star Grocery

Trail city council has given its blessing to turn the old Star Grocery in the Gulch into a flooring shop. No concerns were raised at public hearing Monday on the matter.

Amanda and Paul Isnor of Fruitvale bought the former store at 328 Rossland Ave. and plan to use it to sell tile, hardware and vinyl as well as flooring supplies and accessories.

While the use is consistent with the official community plan, they needed rezoning from neighborhood commercial to special highway commercial, which council granted this week.

Deputy corporate officer Sandy Lucchini said approval from the Ministry of Transportation also arrived Monday. While she has to discuss some things with the applicants, she said there was no reason to hold up adoption of the bylaw, which passed unanimously.

The Isenors have also purchased properties at 426 Rossland Avenue (a warehouse) and 420 Rossland Avenue (an empty lot) to help with storage and parking for the business.

Star Grocery closed on June 1, 2022 after operating under that name and at that location since around 1947. Prior to that the building had been home to the Gassosa bottling works. In more recent years it was an Italian specialty store.



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