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HomeNewsPride flag to be raised at Trail City Hall

Pride flag to be raised at Trail City Hall

The Pride flag will be raised in Trail at City Hall on Friday, August 31. Addison Oberg with Trail Pride says there’s two events that people are invited to. “The first part of it is going to be a walk, so its called Pride Walk for a Cross Walk. So we’ll be raising money for a rainbow crosswalk to be installed downtown Trail. And then the second part of it starting at 12 o’clock is going to be the Pride flag raising at City Hall and there’s going to be cake and lemonade.”

She explains a bit more about the walk portion of the event.” We’re just encouraging people to come out and show their support for the first part of the walk. It’s just for allies and people of the community who just want to participate in it and show their support, and be a part of something.”

She says she’s received support from some business people so far for the rainbow cross walk and there’s a Go Fund Me Page set up for anyone who wants to help.  She’s hoping to have it painted in the spring.

The walk starts in Jubilee Park at 11:00am and the flag raising ceremony starts at noon at City Hall. It’s organized in part by Freedom Quest as well. For more information, you can visit the Trail Pride Facebook page.


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