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HomeNewsUpdate: Midgely Mountain Fire

Update: Midgely Mountain Fire

Photo by: Wendy Franz

Crews have made some headway on the Mount Midgely fire.

The blaze, 14 kilometres Northwest of Creston, started Friday and quickly spread to 400 hectares.

Fire Information Officer Melissa Klassen says the dramatic change was weather driven.

Klassen says there are 32 Personnel and 2 pieces of heavy equipment on site along with 2 helicopters assisting.

At this point, there are no structures threatened by the fire.

Meanwhile, Canyon Lister Fire Department and Creston Fire and Rescue were on standby at the Porthill-Rykerts border Friday night.

They were called in to help protect the border facilities from the huge fire currently burning in Idaho.

Officials say the the Parker Ridge fire is not a threat to any communities in the Creston Valley

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